Her favorite food is banana and peanut butter.
She likes for me to put her blanket on her back and say “nite nite” and then she pops back up and laughs.
She can’t go to bed without her Bear, Nite Nite Bunny and Pig.
When she can’t find Daisy she says, “where Daisy go?” and puts her hands up in the air.
She loves fruit snacks! Can’t get enough of them.
When she is doing a trick, like jumping off a step or running back and forth she starts by first saying, “7 7 2”. At least I think that’s what she says, it’s still under review.
She likes to make silly faces, wink her eye and make an angry face for the camera.
She tickles the backs of my legs when she is standing behind me at the sink.
She is going to be a computer pro by age 5.
She says “Hi”, “hmmm, and Bye” into the phone.
Grandpa is “pawpaw”, Grandma is “ma”, G-Dad” is “Dad” and Grammy is “Gabby”
Her hair smells like outside after school.
She smiles when I wake her up in the morning and always says “Mommmmeee” when she sees my face.
Her favorite words are “Mommy, Daddy, Mommy, Daddy”.
But my heart melts when she says, “Momma”.
She is a sucker for the swings and slides and can do the slide all by herself.
She laughs the hardest when her Daddy is being silly.
And she cries for no reason except I think she just loves me so much she can’t stand it. :-P