Friday, May 14, 2010

Month 8

Remember how I said you did something on the exact day you turned a new month?
Well, Monday, May 10, you turned 8 months old. And you pulled yourself up on your feet! On the ottoman! Twice!
Whatever! You are a genius.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I was just holding Elizabeth, she had fallen asleep on my chest. Little tiny breaths in and out hot on my neck. and I started to miss her. I miss her warm head and tummy laying across my chest. I miss her little frog legs all bunched up and cozied on my tummy. I want to know if all Moms miss these days when their children grow up. I don't ever want to forget this feeling. I don't want her to get too big for me to cuddle her up. But I want to see the next day, the next month and the next year. I can't wait for her to talk and walk with me, draw me pictures and tell me she loves her Mommy and Daddy, play with the dogs and learn how to swim. But right now I want to hold her forever. Sometimes I have a hard time putting her in her bed or lying her down for a nap. I just want to take it all in just a little bit longer. What will I do when she is too big for this?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

What a wonderful weekend with my sweet angel and hubby. I have been looking forward to Mother's Day for awhile. Not like it is the only time of the year I get to spend quality time with Elizabeth, I get to do that everyday, but I was excited to be a Momma on this Mother's Day. We have spent all our lives celebrating our Moms and it was now my day to be a Momma. And I am so glad that I get to be a part of that club.

Saturday was spent getting a massage, make that a hot stone massage, eating the tastiest pizza and wine in the Woodlands, and going grocery shopping for our picnic foods for Mother's Day. The weekend was not particularly pretty out, but Elizabeth more than made up for that with her smiles and laughs and everyone who saw her giggles and tells us how beautiful she is.
Sunday we got up and went to Church. I wanted to pray for my angel and me. God has been so good to us, giving us little E, keeping us safe and watching over us. I want Him to help me be the best Mother and Wife I can be. It was a great Mass, even got to see 2 baptisms, which I thought was quite a special Mother's Day gift for those women.
Next we left for the nearest Arboretum with Elizabeth's grandparents, drank wine and had some snacks. It was a nice day out, not hot but pleasant and she was content to sit in her stroller and listen to us chat and try and blow bubbles her way (note to self...don't buy cheap bubbles).

The only thing I regret is not getting any pictures of me and her together. Wanted to post one of us all dressed up in our Mother's Day attire. Busy morning for me on this 1st Mother's Day. But I guess I will more than make up for that in the years to come.

She has changed my life, changed the way I feel about my own Mother, she is making me a better Christian and helping me to enjoy all the little things in life. The "stop and smell the roses" quote runs through my head a lot since she got here.

Monday, May 11, 2010 Elizabeth turned 8 months old. She pulled herself up for the first time. I didn't even have to help her. One more thing she doesn't need her Momma for. One more step closer to being independent, but it was (watch out, it's about to be a cheesy moment)one more step closer into my heart.

"Making a decision to have a child--it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." - Elizabeth Stone